High Tensile Fencing

Fence Company Denver

High Tensile Fence

High tensile fence has become the most popular agricultural fence here in Colorado. Even though it is one of the more economical fences to install, it provides tremendous strength and durability and will give a lifetime of service.
Because of the heavy posts driven into the ground to support the wire, high tensile fencing is not intended as a temporary fencing solution.
It would be a daunting task for an animal to push their way through a high tensile fence by spreading the wires, so it works very effectively as a physiological barrier. But they can get through if they are determined enough. So adding two strands of electric wire provides an extremely secure fence. The electric wire also prevents cattle from constantly pushing against the wires and wearing them down.
If you want a fence that is a physical barrier rather than just a psychological barrier, the woven wire is the best choice. It is truly impossible for large animals to go through a woven wire fence without first breaking it.

Fence Company Denver